We use Playerlineup to manage our team. Here's our schedule, latest notifications and attendance tracking. Welcome!

Sport Sähly
Home city Vantaa
Team members 86 (Player list)
Team has no upcoming events. Please sign in to add a new event.

Pöyrytalolla on moni kysellyt sählyvuoron perään. Laitetaan siis kysely pystyyn! Vastatkaa IN / OUT olisiko kiinnostusta aloittaa taas pelit joku arkiaamu 8-9? Tämän perusteella teen kyselyn halleihin ja varmistan Pöyryn sponsoroinnin vuorosta. Kiitos Jonnalle aktivointipotkusta!
Pentti Hämäläinen



Mikko, profile photo

Mukana myös aikojen puitteissa!


Please log in to nimenhuuto and state if you are in or out! If there is too little interest we will have to think about cancelling the sähly games! Hope to see many of you tomorrow morning!


no game with only 3 players. Hopefully we have more players next time!

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Time & place: Games are normally on Wednesdays at 7.30-8:30 in Energia Areena in Myyrmäki (Rajatorpantie 23). 

Registration deadline: Tuesday 21:00. We are playing if there is at least 6 players registered by that time.

Logistics: It's easy to get there by bus/train and there is enough parking space for cars. The address is Rajatorpantie 23, Vantaa.

Contact person: Henri Ormus, henri.ormus@poyry.com, 50 525 9060